Now it's time to address those connections of mine from childhood, or school, or some other 'former life' who enjoy the title 'Christian' or even respect of Isho Yēšūa (Jesus) hiding with their head down as a closeted supporter of Trump... I have a few words.
During Bishop Marianne Edgar Budde's sermon, these were the faces when the name of 'Jesus Christ of Nazareth' was invoked.
Lara Trump rolled her eyes at the word 'mercy', Trump's pig-faced daughter Tiffany Trump had a look of disdain through the whole thing, "God fearing' JD Vance looks like he's taking a difficult shit, and Usha Vance had the goddamn nerve to roll her eyes when Budde discussed immigration.
I grow tired of people like you willfully ignoring the powers at play here which supersede the human element. These days were discussed in ancient scripts even before the invention of modern-day english transcripted texts called 'Bibles'. It described a movement in opposition to Christ, and it is here.
If you call yourself an evangelical you know exactly what I am referring to here. Folks, Trump was unable to place his hand on one of those texts called a 'Bible' which is just a poorly translated series of ancient scripts. You are fooling no one with your shrugged hedging.
Before we label you as the fraud you are. Let's examine a fair truth. I've had more than a few discussions with folks on both sides of the political aisle about how far fanaticism ON BOTH SIDES has gone.
I've been studying fanaticism for eight years, starting with Amos Oz's writings on the Middle East conflict.
There is a book by Tim Alberta called 'The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory' which will educate you on how the church became a slave of politics. You won't like what you read, but, hey they are facts, as inconvenient as you find them. This describes how fanaticism exploded on the RIGHT.
Now, fanaticism also exploded on the LEFT. What was once a reasonable a working model to protect all humans (listen back to Budde's sermon) yes, the very same talked about by most Democrats and Dr. Martin Luther King himself and originally Jesus (Sermon On The Mount among hundreds of others) and most well-respected world leaders, somehow began to careen into some inconceivable, frightening and unworkable territory.
The biggest example of this that is currently impacting our country right now is an out-of-control border. This nation was founded and built by immigrants. They are one of the most important backbones of our enriched society and economy. But the border now is at a crisis stage. Somehow that fact, (and it is a fact) got uniformly ignored and swept under the rug to the point now where the other side of the fanaticism spectrum believes that they should bring down the hammer.
It does NOT serve this country to leave the border crisis as it is, that was a terrible mistake of the Democrats. Unfortunately polices like this fueled the anger and fire of the insane right. So, what happens when you discuss this as part of your 'standing?!' You do have a point! Absolutely. BOTH SIDES of the political aisle reached the point of insanity.
It's the understanding of the subject. I heard a young person say in a coffee shop that it labeled one ‘a racist and a bigot’ to not leave the border completely open. That's a pretty extreme and stupid thing to say. Unfortunately? That is the kind of EXTREME sentiment flying around in ALL directions right now.
So I see you meekly posting things like "Well the public has spoken, so ya know shut up and stuff... The election's over"
No, it's your ineptitude to see the forest for the trees. You threw your support behind pure evil because you were not awake or informed enough to see a reasonable path through insanity. We are not making hypotheses about his agenda, he's telling us outright. That's a bit different from your uninformed ramblings about the state of the world and insane conspiracy theories.
"Wuuulllll.. tha aconomie is better since he took office, He's gunna bring down prices"
Christ on His Throne! The fuck it is! The economy is informed by the four phases of an economic cycle, expansion, peak, contraction, and trough. This takes time, especially at the outset of inflation that began in 2020! Try adding a tariff parade to that and laying off millions in government, etc.
This man labeled January 6 insurrectionists as 'hostages' as in POW 'hostages'.
Listen, when the PAIN of what has just taken place begins to set in the consequences that Bishop Budde was talking about will be the kind GOD talks about in scripture and was relayed by human writers in their understanding and language.
They talk about a fire that burns from the inside, crying, and gnashing of teeth. A pain that can never be extinguished. Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Höss, lead Commandant of Auschwitz talked about this incredible pain with the rope around his neck before they kicked the stand from under his feet. His last words?
'Möge Christus mir vergeben' "May Christ forigve me" those were his last words.
It will be the pain of conscience. As we watch many become consumed and thrown into a ruinous tailspin and wanton destruction in the next few months and hopefully limited to one ruinous term, there will be no one who feels for you. That is the consequence. You will be remembered for throwing your loyalty and your support behind true evil. There is a difference between a place on a political spectrum, and civil unity as Budde discussed, and your blind, self-enriching worship of this terrible movement, so very clearly against the Creator. ܗܹܐܪܵܝܵܢ